Residential Three
The Boosting Resilience programme set out to develop new thinking and approaches to help participants to: recognise and seize opportunity, deploy resources more strategically and imaginatively and identify and mitigate risk. We strongly believe that the residentials have been core to the delivery of our key goals. In delivering three residentials over the two year programme we have experienced and gained so many insights that we have showcased these as a one-day event that took place on 14th March 2019 and in a publication for the sector.

Our third, and final, residential inspired through co-design with the Boosting Resilience participants built upon content covered in the first two residentials of the programme. Our array of engaging, high calibre speakers covered topics that included:
- the entrepreneurial mindset and the tension between mission and money;
- crowd funding and how it can be used as an innovative way of funding;
- making best use of intellectual property and planning investment into the creation and exploitation;
- unpicking intellectual property complexities associated with brands and cultural productions, and developing partnerships and building profile and using your brand authority.
Kevin Rivett, CEO Calderdale Music Trust, a Boosting Resilience Participant says that the third residential was:
A residential which lived the essence of the topic and provided both inspiration and challenge, a lovely opportunity to network with like minds, and stretch ones creativity in a diverse range of leadership qualities. I believe the true gem of the two days lay in the legacy for me of having a changed methodology, tactics, problem solving and knowledge. I value the time spent with a team of professionals who focused on absolute attention to detail and quality throughout.
As observers from outside the world of arts, the third residential reinforced for the Cass Business School team a number of striking features about our cohort of senior leaders on the Boosting Resilience programme:
- Determination and resourceful in the face of obstacles
- Improvisational in the face of uncertainty
- Strong in development and enhancement of trust
- Generosity of spirit, which while not unusual in public and third sectors, has been very visible.
- Passionate for their organisations. Though this is a word made meaningless in trite management “airport books”, it can still be observed authentically in high performance organisations in all sectors.
- Willing and able to enter into the spirit of co-design
Our focus on creative assets and intellectual property was a challenge, but over the three residentials we had a plan cumulatively to build the basics (law) while cumulatively growing confidence to be able to ask the right questions.
Though there was an inevitable poignancy in concluding the residential programme, we are all working together on the co-design and delivery of the final Boosting Resilience showcase event.
Professor Clive Holtham, Director Learning Laboratory CASS Business School and Dr Amanda Brown, Research Fellow CASS Business School